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Lest We Forget        


No matter what, we must always remember all those heroes that paved the way for our freedom, not just for one day, but every day.

On a personal level, my much-loved Father, fought gallantly for those beliefs and I treasure all those memories, the stories and the ultimate sacrifice that he, and many, many more made for us all.


“They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old. Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun, and in the morning, we will remember them”.

Coming up to the second anniversary of one of our most admired customers passing, we remember Eddie on Remembrance Day. His daughter Wendy has given us permission to share two of her cherished photographs.Dear all, The first photo Dad is in his uniform during the war, he must have been about 18 as he was too young at the beginning of the war. The other one was taken at our sons wedding in his naval coastal forces blazer and tie. He was a radio operator on MTB boats raiding the Dutch Coast and bringing prisoners back after D Day amongst other things,  as I am sure he had related to several of his carers !!I continue to be in awe of the commitment and help you and your people gave to my Dad and will be forever grateful.Best wishes to you all​Wendy

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